/*********************************************** * Omni Slide Menu script - © John Davenport Scheuer * very freely adapted from Dynamic-FX Slide-In Menu (v 6.5) script- by maXimus * This notice MUST stay intact for legal use * Visit Dynamic Drive at http://www.dynamicdrive.com/ for full original source code * as first mentioned in http://www.dynamicdrive.com/forums * username:jscheuer1 * Dynamic PHP Content by Jacek Partyka, 2008-05-06 ***********************************************/ resizereinit=true; menu[1] = { id:'JSmenu', //use unique quoted id (quoted) REQUIRED!! fontsize:'100%', // express as percentage with the % sign linkheight:22 , // linked horizontal cells height hdingwidth:210 , // heading - non linked horizontal cells width user_defined_stylesheet:false, //if true, prevents script from generating stylesheet for this menu user_defined_markup:false, //if true, prevents script from generating markup for this menu design_mode:false, //if true, generates a report of the script generated/intended styles and markup (as a design aid) bartext:'ADMIN', // Finished configuration. Use default values for all other settings for this particular menu (menu[1]) /// menuItems:[ // REQUIRED!! //[name, link, target, colspan, endrow?] - leave 'link' and 'target' blank to make a header ["Menu"], //create header ["Strona główna", "http://bikerslegion.leszno.eu/", ""], ["Aktualności", "http://bikerslegion.leszno.eu/aktualnosci.html", ""], ["O nas", "http://bikerslegion.leszno.eu/o-nas.html", ""], ["Członkowie", "http://bikerslegion.leszno.eu/czlonkowie.html", ""], ["Nasz regulamin", "http://bikerslegion.leszno.eu/nasz-regulamin.html", ""], ["Galeria", "http://bikerslegion.leszno.eu/galeria.html", ""], ["Linki", "http://bikerslegion.leszno.eu/linki.html", ""], ["Nowości na e-mail", "http://bikerslegion.leszno.eu/nowosci-na-e-mail.html", ""], ["ZLOT", "http://bikerslegion.leszno.eu/zlot.html", ""], ["Kontakt", "http://bikerslegion.leszno.eu/kontakt.html", ""], ]}; // REQUIRED!! do not edit or remove ////////////////////Stop Editing/////////////////